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Advanced Python Programming
Welcome! (0:34)
Course overview (8:56)
Part 1 - Advanced Python Concepts
Data transfer objects (10:46)
DTOs as vanilla Python classes (8:23)
Intro to annotations (5:44)
Data classes (2:31)
Post initialisation in data classes (6:07)
Pydantic (11:13)
Pydantic custom validators (6:26)
Custom exceptions (3:45)
Serialization (5:42)
Polymorphism and abstract classes (7:52)
Abstract serializer (4:43)
Pickle serialization (9:01)
Json serialization (8:41)
Yaml serialization (8:19)
List comprehensions (10:11)
Dictionary comprehensions (6:42)
Iterators (12:45)
Generators (10:20)
Lambda functions (3:47)
Map, filter, and reduce (9:22)
Zip (3:34)
With statement (7:10)
Context managers (17:24)
Decorators basics (11:04)
Decorators with arguments (15:46)
Decorating classes (7:09)
Threading and multiprocessing: The theory (11:54)
Threading basics (14:15)
Daemon and non-daemon threads (9:34)
Multiprocessing basics (7:10)
Multiprocessing with the Pool class (5:12)
Conclusion part 1 (0:25)
Part 2 - Practical project: Data pipeline
Data pipeline design (12:20)
Product DTO (4:50)
Loading component (16:55)
Transforming component (27:43)
Storing component (11:42)
Data pipeline (10:44)
Threaded data pipeline (4:47)
Running the pipeline end to end (16:18)
What next (1:11)
Course feedback
Multiprocessing basics
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